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Empire Training

Data - Python

Python is a versatile and easy-to-learn programming language used for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and many other areas.

Flexible 100% online training

Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects

You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support

Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

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Earn certificates and diplomas

Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.

Python Training Objectives

Operational objective: 

Know how to program objects in Python using the right data structures and standard libraries.

Educational objectives : 

At the end of Python training, you will have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to: 

  • Know the fundamentals of object-oriented programming in Python
  • Mastering the syntax of the Python language
  • Know and implement Python modules
  • Manipulating Data in Python
  • Designing GUIs in Python
  • Have initial experience in using Python program testing and evaluation tools 

Who is this training for?

Audience :

This Python course is aimed at any developer wishing to acquire the basics of Python programming, whether to design and develop a new application or maintain an existing application.

It will also be of interest to engineers, statisticians or data scientists who need to know the fundamentals of Python for further data processing or data manipulation.

Finally, given the general IT nature of the Python language, this training may be of interest to anyone wishing to consolidate their knowledge in software development (object, libraries, data, HMI, tests) in order to participate in company projects with more technical perspective.


Participants in this Python training must know a programming language, because the training does not plan to go back over the basics of programming (variables, test, loop, function, etc.). The assimilation of these concepts at the same time as the syntax of Python remains possible but constitutes a significant educational risk. 

On the other hand, it is not necessary to know object programming because the training takes the time to present the fundamental object concepts (class, object, instance, properties, methods, inheritance) then in a second step their implementation in Python.

A pedagogy based on practice

  • Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
  • Progress with the help of a professional expert.
  • Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.

Python course content:

Getting started with Python:

Why use Python instead of another language?
Python Project Examples
Differences between Python versions
Installing Python (prerequisites, files, detailed tree)
How the Python interpreter works
The contributions of the interactive Python interpreter
A first program… 

Python basics (syntax, types):

Code organization (modules, packages, imports)
Naming Recommendations
Basic types (integer, string, real, …)
Classic Type Mistakes
Loops (for), operators, tests (if/else)
Function definition and call 

Programming objects in Python:

Limitations of “simply” structured programming
Philosophy, concepts, and vocabulary of object-oriented programming
Representation of data in object programming (classes, properties)
Representation of treatments (methods)
Controlling data access (encapsulation)
Examples of predefined classes in Python allowing you to take full advantage of the object approach
Life cycle of an object (constructor, destructor)
Access the attributes and features of the target object (self)
How do objects communicate with each other?
Parent class and daughter class (inheritance)
Different functions with … the same name (polymorphism)
Simple inheritance and multiple inheritance
The super() function
Protection of processing (public, protected, private)
The exception handling mechanism
Example of UML formalism (class diagram)
Overview of existing fundamental classes in Python
Concept of Design Patterns

Data management (Files, DBMS, XML, JSON, API):

Accessing files (File object)
Conformance of Python modules for accessing a database (DB-API)
Python and SQL queries
Filter data using regular expressions
Introduction to XML Stream Manipulation in Python (ElementTree)
Manipulating CSV files 
The JSON format
Principle of APIs and Web Services
Retrieving data via APIs

Graphical interface creation:

Specifics of GUI development (event-driven programming)
Introducing the TkInter library.
The main containers.
Presentation of available widgets (Button, Radiobutton, Entry, Label, Listbox, Canvas, Menu, Scrollbar, Text…).
The window manager.
The placement of components, the different layouts.
Event management, the event object.
Multi-window applications.
A quick word about the Qt library 

Quality and tools:

What is Python program quality assurance (QA)?
Overview of the “toolkit” offered to the developer 
Using the Eclipse plugin for Python (Pydev)
Finding bugs with PyChecker
Checking standards compliance with PyLint
Using the PEP 8 (Python Enhancement Proposals) style guide
Generate documentation
Have statistics on the execution of your program (profiling)
Understanding the interest of Testing tools (Doctests, Unit tests)

Individual and privileged supervision.
The Empire Training community

Online pre-registration

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Training format
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How does an Empire Training course work?

From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.

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