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Empire Training

Mobile Development - Kotlin

Android is an operating system installed on billions of devices (phone, tablet, IoT, etc.). To develop on Android, Kotlin has been the language recommended by Google since 2017 and adopted by developers who recognize its great qualities (flexibility, richness, conciseness, efficiency, robustness, etc.).

This modern language remains interoperable with essential standards like Java and Javascript.

Kotlin offers you training in the Kotlin language and the use of its libraries in order to be able to develop web applications or native mobile applications under Android.

Flexible 100% online training

Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects

You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support

Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

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Earn certificates and diplomas

Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.

Kotlin training objectives

Operational objective:

Know how to develop applications for Android platforms with the Kotlin language.

Educational objectives: 

At the end of Kotlin training, participants will have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to:

  • Know how to develop with the Kotlin language
  • Create user interfaces
  • Use fragments and activities in interfaces by controlling their life cycles
  • Manipulate data (loading, display, exchanges, web services, etc.)
  • Use the functions of a tablet or mobile (telephony, SMS, geolocation, etc.)
  • Improve your mastery of the Kotlin language (functions, collections, exceptions, annotations, asynchronism, etc.)
  • Know the syntax, concepts and specificities of the Kotlin language
  • Master the environment and development cycle on Android Studio
  • Know how to create user interfaces with the Kotlin language
  • Know how to manage the loading, display and exchange of data of an application
  • Know the major APIs used in Android development
  • Know development best practices and advanced aspects of Kotlin

Who is this training for?



Audience :

This Kotlin course is primarily aimed at developers or project managers responsible for designing an application in the context of an Android environment. The people concerned have a predilection for object-oriented programming applied in a mobile context, or for the development of so-called multiplatform applications. They also work on the user interface in coordination with the teams in charge of user experience.




Participants have mastery of an object-oriented programming language, ideally Java due to its interoperability with the Android Studio environment. They ideally have notions relating to the life cycle and the ecosystem of an Android application: loading of resources, management of APIs, distribution methods, etc. All these notions will nevertheless be presented during the training and their prior knowledge is therefore not necessary. not strictly essential.

A pedagogy based on practice

  • Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
  • Progress with the help of a professional expert.
  • Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.

For this project, you will find particular use in the following courses:

Project 1

Getting started with Kotlin

Practical work: 

Overview of the philosophy and fundamental syntax of Kotlin through a first simple and complete example of text display.

Getting started with Kotlin

Why a new language for Android?
Main differences with Java
Basic syntax (types, variables, tests, loops, packages, functions)
Classes and variants (nested, enum, data)
Programming objects in Kotlin (interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, etc.)
The Android Studio development environment
Master the SDK (emulator, tools, manager, etc.)

Kotlin application development cycle

Les différences entre un projet Web et mobile
Vue d’ensemble du cycle de développement
The tools available (testing, debugging, profiling)
Differences between emulators and physical equipment
Check the compliance of your application (Google Play rules)
Examination times depending on the nature of the application
Pre-launch reports
Signing and deploying an Android application
Practical work
Creation and deployment of a first simple application to have a concrete summary.
Testing the application with Firebase (cloud application testing infrastructure)

User interfaces

Views (TextView, EditText, Buttons, etc.)
Layouts (LinearLayout, FrameLayout, ConstraintLayout)
Interacting with views
Notifications (toast, AlertDialog, Snackbar)
androidX library and Jetpack
Practical work
Creation of an “empty shell” with a design and user-friendly interface

Project 2

Activities and Fragments

Implementing an application with multiple fragments and a single activity.
Navigation between fragments (Navigation Drawer).

The following courses will be useful for this project:

Data exchanges

Share data between applications (ContentProvider)
Send and receive events via BroadcastReceiver
Manipulate JSON feeds in Kotlin
Implementation of Services
Web service consumption

Go further…

Telephony and SMS
The sensors
Geolocation (Google API, etc.)
Asynchronous tasks
Versioning via Android Studio
Firebase tools (Firestore, Authentication, Remote Config, Messaging
 Crashlytics, Test Lab, App Check)
Practical work
Receipt of SMS depending on the location of the equipment

Advanced aspects of the Kotlin language

What is a lambda expression?
Lambda expression and anonymous functions
Improve performance with inline functions
Variants on operators
the exceptions
The reflection
The safe builders type
Aliases type
Asynchronism with coroutines and Kotlin Flow

Individual and privileged supervision.
The Empire Training community

Online pre-registration

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Mobile Development pre-registration

Training format
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How does an Empire Training course work?

From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.

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