DevOps - Docker
Is a platform that automates the deployment of applications in lightweight and portable containers, facilitating the management and distribution of software.

Flexible 100% online training
Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects
You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support
Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

Earn certificates and diplomas
Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.
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Docker Training Objectives
Operational objective:
Know how to create and administer a Docker environment (image, container, network, Data, resources, etc.).
Educational objectives:
At the end of Docker Containers training, you will have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to:
- Understanding Docker’s Place in the New DevOps Movement Paradigm
- Create and administer Docker containers (image, registry, container, etc.)
- Building and deploying your own Docker images
- Understand how to build and deploy multi-container applications
- Understanding the new paradigm of Micro-services applications
- Build and Deploy Microservices Applications with Docker-compose
- Managing Container Logging with the ELK Suite
- Understanding what a continuous development and integration (CI, CD) pipeline is
- Understanding the contribution of an orchestrator like Kubernetes
- Identify the risks and challenges inherent to Docker in order to anticipate the right solutions
Those wishing to go further on the containerization of applications with Docker can continue with the “Advanced Docker: Deploy and Manage Docker Hosts” (UDMB) training or follow the “Docker: Mastering Docker” training (UDMC) which brings the two together.
Who is this training for?
Audience :
This Docker Containers training is primarily aimed at administrators, architects and developers wishing to learn how to package, deploy or run an application within a container. It will be of particular interest to developers looking for a convincing alternative to virtualization using a DevOps approach.
Basic knowledge of using Linux on the command line is required (knowing how to navigate the tree, manipulate files and launch commands with arguments) since all the practical work is done on the command line with Docker CLI.

A pedagogy based on practice

- Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
- Progress with the help of a professional expert.
- Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.
Docker Containers Course Content:

Docker Overview
The different levels of virtualization (system, application)
Benefits of Application Virtualization
DevOps, new tools and new working habits
Understanding Infrastructure As Code
Vocabulary around the IT landscape (Web Services, Micro-services, SOA, CI/CD, etc.)
Docker and Containers’ Place in This Landscape

Docker Architecture
Docker Client and Engine
The basic components: images, registry, container
Understanding the Docker daemon and client/server architecture, the Docker API
Docker Editions
Implementation under Linux and Windows
Docker Image Management
Kernel, Images and Containers
Docker ecosystem (Docker Hub, Docker registry, Dockerfile, Docker Compose)
Docker Desktop
Docker and the Cloud

Docker Images and Containers
Links between image and container
What is a container registry?
The Docker Hub example
The private registry
Container Call Nomenclature
Know how to download (pull) images, understand Docker image naming
Create an account on Docker Hub and push images via Docker CLI
Understanding Image History
Manage images locally, naming, deletion, cache
Principles of instantiating a container
Create an image from a container
Daily console management

Docker and network
How to display your images to the outside?
Understanding Docker Networking
The concept of port publication
Publishing ports with publish
Create Docker, dhcp, dns networks
Inter-container communications

Data volumes with Docker
The problem of persistence in containers
Storage management
Mastering Docker volumes, bind, files, remote volumes
Identifying orphaned volumes

Understanding Image Building with Dockerfile
Dockerfile instructions: FROM, RUN CMD, ENTRYPOINT
Best practices (cleaning, launching services, security, etc.)
Deploy your own Docker registry
Harbor Presentation

Multi-container application (docker-compose)
Understanding Microservices Orchestration with docker-compose
The yaml file format defined by docker-compose
The docker-compose command
My first service
Networking with docker-compose
Data volumes with docker-compose
Dependencies between services
Service Update

Advanced features of docker-compose
Building images with docker-compose, contexts
Make your compose files dynamic with variables and the .env file
Vitality and availability probes
Understanding labels
Advanced Volume Configuration
Rollback and update of services

Elements at risk: kernel, containers, Docker daemon…
Some good administration practices
Image vulnerability scan
Les bonnes pratiques dans le Dockerfile
Linux/Syscall capabilities

Daily Docker Operations
Docker Plugins
Plugin Administration
Copy-on-write (CoW) principle
Docker integration of copy-on-write
Docker storage drivers (AUFS, OverlayFS, DeviceMapper…)
Configuring the Docker daemon
Automatic start of services
Log management
Restriction on resources
Protecting the contents of a container
Good security practices

Introduction to Continuous Integration with GitLab/Jenkins
Back to the automation of its production chain
Building and Pushing Docker Images with Jenkins and GitLab
Dockerfile and Jenkins filePractical workSetting up a continuous integration pipeline with GitLab and Jenkins

Introduction à l’orchestration de conteneurs
Limits of Docker alone and contribution of an orchestrator (high availability, scalability, etc.)
Understanding the Architecture of a Container Orchestrator
Dialogue between nodes of a cluster
Swarm and Kubernetes examples
Kubernetes vocabulary (pods, service…)
Understanding stateless and stateful applicationsPractical workTrainer demonstration to understand how Docker images are executed in an orchestration context and the concrete added value of a tool like Kubernetes for developers (deployment of a high-availability LAMP application for example)
Individual and privileged supervision.
- Benefit from weekly individual sessions with an expert mentor in the field
- quickly in your projects thanks to its excellence in sharing its know-how

The Empire Training community
- Count on a close-knit community of students ready to help you 24/7.
Online pre-registration
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From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.