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Empire Training

DevOps - Jenkins

Est un outil d’intégration continue et de déploiement continu (CI/CD) open source, permettant d’automatiser les processus de construction, de test et de déploiement des logiciels.

Flexible 100% online training

Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects

You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support

Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

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Earn certificates and diplomas

Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.

Jenkins Training Objectives

Operational objective: 

Know how to install, configure and size a Jenkins server.

Educational objectives: 

Concretely, at the end of this Jenkins training, you will have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to:

  • Understanding the principles and benefits of continuous integration
  • Know how to install, configure and size a Jenkins server
  • Be able to integrate Jenkins with other tools (SCMs, Sonar, Nexus, Ticket Manager, Docker)
  • Know how to define continuous integration or deployment pipelines via the Jenkins interface and via Pipelines scripts
  • Understanding how to operate a Jenkins server
  • Know how to use Jenkins Rest API and CLI to automate builds
  • Know how to automate tests and code audits
  • Be able to automate and deploy Jenkins on a project

Who is this training for?

Audience :

This Jenkins course is aimed at developers, architects and engineers who want to set up a continuous integration and deployment environment for their projects.


Participants must have some knowledge of the system and the software development cycle. Collaborative development experience (ideally in Java) is recommended to have a good overview of the different roles and implications of the project stakeholders. If it is far removed from development, this team participation in a project must at least have been part of an agile approach.

A pedagogy based on practice

  • Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
  • Progress with the help of a professional expert.
  • Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.

Jenkins Course Content:

Introduction to Continuous Integration and Deployment (Key Concepts)

Agile methods and the DevOps transition
Code to production lifecycle
Continuous Integration, Delivery, Deployment
The role of SCM, use of branches
Typologies of tests and static analyses, positioning in CI/CD pipelines
Deployment Automation: Provisioning Issues and IaaC Tools
Deploy Jenkins to a project

Setting up the Jenkins server (Jenkins uses CJE)

The Jenkins/Hudson offer. Concept of job, workspace, trend graphs
Web interface
Server setup, different types of installation
General configuration, tool configuration,
Jenkins plugins, configuration, documentation
Practical workInstalling Jenkins in service, Git, Java, Maven configuration. Setting up Maven build 

Jenkins integration (Jenkins uses CJE)

SCM and WebHooks Integration
Integration with ticket management tools
Integration Test Tools (unit, integration, functional, performance)
Quality integration with SonarQube, integrate quality audit reports
Artifact Repository Integration, Docker Registries
Team notification, the different solutions
Practical workIntegrations with Gitlab repository, with Jira, publication of Sonar test and analysis reports, Nexus integration 

Master Slave Architecture (CJE Best Practices)

Master-slave architecture, the different types of agents
Agent provisioning and tool pre-installation, classification by labels
Cloud Agent, Docker Agents
Sizing Master Nodes and Agents
HA Architecture with CloudBees Enterprise
Practical workSetting up SSH agent, Windows and JNLP, Using docker agent 

Pipelines (Building Continuous Delivery Pipelines CJE)

Pipeline concepts, phases and promotions
Upstream/downstream relationship between jobs, Parameter passing, Copy of artifacts
Job Synchronization Plugins, Join Plugin, Dependency Plugin, Pipeline View
The Pipeline plugin, The integrated help system, the documentation
Distinction of 2 available syntaxes, Reminders on Groovy
Declarative syntax, the different directives
Construction for script syntax
Using Docker
Shared Libraries 

Operating a Jenkins server (Jenkins Usage CJE)

Enabling security, alternatives for user management
Managing Permissions and Roles
Logging user actions
Disk space management CPU load monitoring
Saving the configuration
Automating tasks with CLI or Rest API
Practical workSecurity Setup, Backup and Restore 

Individual and privileged supervision.
The Empire Training community

Online pre-registration

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Devops pre-registration

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How does an Empire Training course work?

From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.

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