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Empire Training

DevOps - Kubernetes

Is an open source platform for container orchestration and management, making it easy to deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications.

Flexible 100% online training

Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects

You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support

Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

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Earn certificates and diplomas

Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.

Kubernetes Training Objectives

Operational objective: 

Know how to automate containerized application deployments and manage their scaling using the Kubernetes platform.

Objecitfs pédagogiques : 

At the end of Kubernetes training, you will have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to:

  • Understand the architecture, operation and main components of Kubernetes
  • Understand the concept of pods, service, storage and deployment
  • Know the tools of the Kubernetes ecosystem
  • Know how to install Kubernetes, configure it and administer it on a daily basis
  • Learn how to automatically place containers on a cluster or in the cloud
  • Know how to manage the application deployment cycle with Kubernetes
  • Know the best practices for working on Kubernetes
  • Understand the importance of storage solutions, infrastructure monitoring and application services
  • Learn the basics of package management with Helm

Who is this training for?

Audience :

This course is primarily aimed at DevOps administrators or developers working on containerized applications and seeking to automate their deployments.   


Participants must have a good prior knowledge of Linux, TCP/IP network services and virtualization and container concepts (Docker, CoreOS) to follow this training with benefit. Concrete experience in application development and deployment will allow them to benefit more quickly from the contributions of Kubernetes. 

A pedagogy based on practice

  • Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
  • Progress with the help of a professional expert.
  • Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.

Kubernetes Course Content:

Introduction to Kubernetes

Kubernetes presentation, origin of the project
Understanding how Kubernetes will disrupt your IT practices
CNCF: The Source for Kubernetes
The different containers supported, platforms using Kubernetes
Discovering the tools around Kubernetes 

Kubernetes Architecture

The control plane: the Kubernetes API, the scheduler, the controller manager, the NoSQL DB, etc.
Kubernetes Workers: Kubelet, proxy and docker
The concept of resources and API versions
Practical workKnow how to use the Kubernetes cli, kubectl
Managing resources in pods 

Container Orchestration Concepts

Understanding orchestration, high availability, application scaling
The yaml manifest
The concept of resources: pods, network services, storage services, deployments and replications of stateful and stateless applications
Manage probes, resources in pods
Expose your pod to the outside
Understanding Stateless and Stateful Applications
Practical workCreating our first pods
Managing resources in pods
Manage pod activity and availability probes
Expose the pods on the network 

Application deployment

Understanding the Kubernetes “deployment” resource
The importance of labels: without labels, no Kubernetes
Replication, operating principles, implementation and lifecycle management of pods
Understand and know how to manage deployment updates, rollouts, multiple versions in execution, etc.
Deploying and sharing configuration items, understanding configmaps and secrets
Practical workCreate Pod Replication Controllers
Deploy applications with the deployments resource
Manage different update strategies for your applications
Create and administer secrets and configmaps 

Networking with Kubernetes

Understanding the “Service” resource
How apps communicate
Understanding and knowing how to expose our applications to users
Understanding and knowing how to make our applications communicate with each other
Network security concepts, NetworkPolicy, etc. 

Storage for our applications

Understanding Volume Management with Kubernetes
The PersistenVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim resources…
Know how to provide dynamic storage to our deployments
Connect storage with pods
Practical workCreate a dynamic storage request
Associate storage with its applications 

Deploying stateful applications

Understanding the Kubernetes “Statefulset” Resource
Understanding Stateful Application Deployment
Practical workEnd-to-end case study
Deploying a SQL database cluster on Kubernetes 

Introduction to Helm

Basic concepts (chart, repository, release)
Helm's contributions
Search charts (helm search)
Package lifecycle with Helm (install, upgrade, unisntall)
Get useful information (get values, list, etc.)
Practical workSearching for charts on public repositories and our own repositories
Installing packages 

Storage for our applications

Understanding Volume Management with Kubernetes
The PersistenVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim resources…
Know how to provide dynamic storage to our deployments
Connect storage with pods
Practical workCreate a dynamic storage request
Associate storage with its applications 

Storage for our applications

Understanding Volume Management with Kubernetes
The PersistenVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim resources…
Know how to provide dynamic storage to our deployments
Connect storage with pods
Practical workCreate a dynamic storage request
Associate storage with its applications 

Storage for our applications

Understanding Volume Management with Kubernetes
The PersistenVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim resources…
Know how to provide dynamic storage to our deployments
Connect storage with pods
Practical workCreate a dynamic storage request
Associate storage with its applications 

Individual and privileged supervision.
The Empire Training community

Online pre-registration

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Devops pre-registration

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How does an Empire Training course work?

From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.

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