DevOps - Linux
Is an open source operating system, known for its stability, security and flexibility, used in a variety of applications, from servers to embedded devices.
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Flexible 100% online training
Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects
You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support
Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

Earn certificates and diplomas
Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.
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Linux Training Objectives
Operational objective :
Using a Linux system on a daily basis.
Educational objectives :
- Understanding how a Linux system works
- Understanding how a session works
- Know how to use your Linux workstation
- Manage files and associated applications
- Configure and install Linux on a local network
Who is this training for?
Audience :
Non-IT audience or those with little awareness of IT concepts outside of certain standards such as word processing, Internet, or even messaging, wishing to use a Linux system.

A pedagogy based on practice

- Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
- Progress with the help of a professional expert.
- Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.
Linux Beginner Course Content:

What is a Linux system used for, how does it work?
The basic building blocks (memory, disk, processor, peripherals)
What does system operation consist of?
Manage multiple applications at the same time (multitasking).
The user and the administrator “facing” the system
Presentation of information to users (files, folders, tree structure)
Overview of applications available under Linux.
Why so many distributions (RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu, Suse…)
Free software, GPL license, GNU and Linux.
Standards (gnome, kde, firefox, open-office, apache, etc.)
What are the differences with Windows?

A typical session:
What is a user for the system (login, file owner, rights, group, etc.)?
Locale in console mode
Locale in graphical mode (overlapping gnome and kde desktops)
Connect remotely with ssh
Machine jump (ssh, exit)

File Additions
Partitions and filesystems
Managing files on a daily basis
Shell scripts

Office, Web and Messaging
Working on the command line

Application management
How to install new software
Program life cycle

Linux on local network
Standard configuration of a workstation
Standard services
Example of the WEB

Install Linux
Physical or virtualized installation?
Recover a “ready-made” VM (virtual machine)
Choices based on future server activity
“Smart” disk partitioning (partitioning)
Classic questions (latin1, GRUB…)
Which packages for which needs?
How to correct “bad” choices later during installation?
Individual and privileged supervision.
- Benefit from weekly individual sessions with an expert mentor in the field
- quickly in your projects thanks to its excellence in sharing its know-how

The Empire Training community
- Count on a close-knit community of students ready to help you 24/7.
Online pre-registration
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How does an Empire Training course work?
From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.