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Empire Training

Système Embarqué - Objet Connecté

Is a device integrated with sensors and communication technologies, allowing the collection and exchange of data via the Internet. A connected object for the embedded system is a smart device, often integrated into embedded systems, that collects and transmits data via the Internet for specific applications.

Flexible 100% online training

Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects

You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support

Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

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Earn certificates and diplomas

Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.

Training objectives: connected objects

Operational objective:

Understand the technologies and application areas for implementing an IoT project.

Educational objectives:

At the end of this Connected objects training, you master the fundamental elements for:

  • Understanding the evolution of M2M towards the All-Internet and its multiple implications
  • Integrate the notion of value, identify the market, and promote your offer
  • Establish an end-to-end IoT-oriented technical architecture, adapted to your business
  • Know how to analyze the technologies, solutions, and functionalities that make IoT possible
  • Develop your critical sense and detect opportunities

Who is this training for?

Audience :

This IoT course is aimed at IT managers and employees, project managers, designers, developers, managers, marketing departments and more generally anyone involved in a project around connected objects.


No specific technical knowledge is required. However, basic computer literacy is preferable. 

A pedagogy based on practice

  • Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
  • Progress with the help of a professional expert.
  • Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.

Content of the Connected Objects course:

Vocabulary and concepts:

The evolution of communications
What is a connected object?
Understand the acronyms IOT, M2M, V2V, V2I, NFC, etc.
Different types of connected objects
No more human intervention with M2M (Machine To Machine)?
Vocabulary quiz to have a common reference 

Issues, markets, applications and services:

Dizzying figures
Wearable consumer items
Installed consumer objects (home automation, car, security)
The evolution of business models
The private market (home, wearable objects, health, leisure, etc.)
Connected objects for industry (label, camera, glasses, robot, drone, etc.)
Examples of services (agriculture; food, insurance, automotive, construction, finance, energy)
New logistics for distribution
Health and connected objects (monitoring, smartwatch, data management, prevention, etc.)
Biometrics and security
Smart cities or “SmartCity” (lighting, pollution, waste, parking, counting, etc.)
Summary of current and future service opportunities

Launch your IoT project

The main phases of a “connected object” project
Conception and design of the object
Specifications (measurement accuracy, robustness, cost, etc.)
The prototypes
Technical choices
Legal aspects
Testing and quality
Distribution channels
Daily fleet monitoring (statistics)
Monitoring points of an IoT project in the company:
– Focus on technical aspects
– Underestimating development costs
– Putting it on the market too quickly
– Ignoring your target and the competition
– Example of project failure 

Architecture and technologies

IoT topologies and architectures
Specific features of a so-called “embedded” system
General view of a standard architecture (sensors, terminals, internet, Cloud, Big Data, etc.)
Embedded processors (ARM, Intel, consumption, disturbances, etc.)
Real-time and specialized OS (Rtos, WindRiver, TinyOS, LiteOS)
Thread concepts
Overview of sensors and MEMS (temperature, pressure, micro-valve, nano-sensors, etc.)
Relay objects (router, gateway, etc.)
Sensors and labels: radio label, graphic label, Electronic Product Code (EPC)
Motion detectors in space
“Human body” detectors (eye movement, finger movements, etc.)
Wireless energy transmission (Qi)

Communications of connected objects

Why are there so many wireless protocols?
Radio transmission
Quels standards ?
The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) protocol
The BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) protocol
3/4G networks
Benefits of 5G for connected objects
Wifi (802.11ah) and LiFi (light) networks
Narrow Band Networks
LR-WPAN (Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network) or 802.15.4 networks
Protocols for the building KNK, Modbus, Mbus
Industrial protocols profinet, profibus, IEC 61850
IPV6 and connected objects (thread protocol, Matter)
Dialogue of objects “between themselves”: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT)
NFC (Near Field Communication) technology
Managing disconnected (asynchronous) mode

Data processing (Big Data)

The types of data produced by IoT
The data format
Why is Big Data linked to connected objects?
The place of the Cloud
Semantic analysis and data fusion
Examples of Big Data Architecture

Build your own app

What are the differences with mobile applications (Android, iOS, etc.)?
Standard components available (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, etc.)
What remains to be developed
Interface standards
Some platforms and tools (Eclipse Mihini, Koneki, etc.)
Prototyping and modeling

Operator offers

A network dedicated to connected objects?
The complementarity of Lora (Long Range) / 4G 
The “pluses” of Lora Wan (device identification, etc.)
Example of offers (Orange, Objenious, etc.)
Services offered by operators (collection, provision, billing)
Associated costs
Hidden costs

Sécurité des objets connectés

The risks of “everything connected”
Law and connected objects (CNIL)
Expected developments
Encryption, Authentication, Biometrics
Examples of security architecture
“Intelligent” firewall and connected objects
Examples of hacking of connected objects

Individual and privileged supervision.
The Empire Training community

Online pre-registration

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Embedded system Pre-registration

Training format
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How does an Empire Training course work?

From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.

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