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Empire Training

Data- Hadoop

Hadoop: An open source framework for distributed processing and storage of large amounts of data across server clusters. Hadoop for Data is a massive data management solution, enabling the analysis and processing of large volumes of data in a scalable and efficient manner.

Flexible 100% online training

Start your new career at any time! Available part-time? No problem, study at your own pace.

Professional projects

You will develop your professional skills by working on concrete projects inspired by business reality. No problem, study at your own pace.

Personalized support

Benefit from weekly mentoring sessions with a business expert.

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Earn certificates and diplomas

Earning certificates and degrees can enhance your career, broaden your horizons, and provide you with increased personal satisfaction.

Objectifs de la formation Hadoop

This training Big Data Analysis provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to:

  • Understanding How Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and YARN/MapReduce Work
  • Explorer HDFS
  • Track the execution of a YARN application
  • Master the operation and use of different data manipulation tools:
    • Hue: Using the Unified Interface
    • Hive, Pig: MapReduce Generators
    • Tez: Optimizing MapReduce Generators
    • Sqoop: How to import company data into a cluster Hadoop?
    • Oozie: How to organize the executions of different applications?

Who is this training for?

Audience :

This Big Data Data Analysis training in a Hadoop environment is intended for people who will have to manipulate data in an Apache Hadoop cluster. 


Rescue requires having experience in data manipulation. A preliminary knowledge of Hadoop is not required but recommended.

A pedagogy based on practice

  • Acquire essential skills by validating professional projects.
  • Progress with the help of a professional expert.
  • Gain real know-how as well as a portfolio to demonstrate it.

Course content Data Analysis with Hadoop:

Introduction to Hadoop

Hadoop Overview
Examples of use in different sectors
History and key figures: When do we talk about Big Data? 

The Hadoop ecosystem:

The HDFS file system
The MapReduce paradigm and usage through YARN

Data Manipulation in a Hadoop Cluster

Hue: How does this web interface work?
Hive: Why is Hive not a database?

Hive query:

Using HCatalog
Utilisation avancée sur Hive
Using user functions
Query Setting
Pig: How Pig works 

Programming with Pig Latin

Using Local Mode
Using user functions
Tez: What is Tez?

Creating Workflows with Oozie

Workflow manipulation
Adding operating elements to workflows
Adding execution conditions
Setting up workflows
Sqoop: What is Sqoop used for?

Loading data from a relational database

Loading data from Hadoop
Loading data from Hadoop
The particularities of the distributions: Impala, Hawq
What are the best practices for using the different tools?

Individual and privileged supervision.
The Empire Training community

Online pre-registration

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How does an Empire Training course work?

From the chosen training to their entry into their new career, our students recount each stage of their experience and the support they received.

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